Yoga for all minds

Yoga is for every body. But it also needs to be for every mind.

Heid Mind yoga classes are designed for those who don’t always feel comfortable in traditional yoga classes and spaces.

If you need small adaptations to help you follow along, our yoga is for you.

As a dyspraxic person, yoga is so good for my physical and mental health.

But I felt I could never keep up with yoga classes. They say “go left” and I go right. The rest of the class moves in beautiful unison, and I’m a beat behind because I process verbal instructions slightly slower.

And I didn’t get on much better following pre-recorded yoga videos online.

My neurodivergence also brings hypermobility, less strength, and less ability to recognise how my body is moving.

But I really wanted all the benefits of yoga

So I took the long route, and qualified as a yoga teacher so I could make the adaptations I needed to see in my yoga practise.

During my studies, so many people said they really wanted to practise too. But felt excluded. Could I use my new knowledge to give them space in the yoga world?

And like many adaptations made for neurodivergent people, they really benefit neurotypical people (and undiagnised neurodivergent!) people too.

No one needs to feel out of place in Heid Mind yoga classes. Because we’re all different and embrace what works for us, on that day.

Here’s how we adapt our practise:

  • Less emphasis on left and right

  • More time given between instruction and action

  • Fewer steps to remember in a sequence

  • The “easy” version given first

  • More time and emphasis on what a pose should feel like

  • Less emphasis on poses looking right

  • Strength and proprioception building poses

  • Neurodivergent friendly meditation styles (you don’t need to “empty your mind” and it’s okay if you’d rather sit)

  • A space where it’s okay to be awkward!

In person classes Sittingbourne - book group or individual click here

In person classes Sandwich -
book group or individual click here